Mãe Africa by Ananda Nahu
Dope Pieces

The mission for Dope Pieces Puzzle Company is to produce puzzles that are visually stimulating, unique, beautiful, edgy, and exciting.

They will showcase the work of talented artists of color, while affirming a positive narrative of the black and brown diaspora.

Dope Pieces is the story of us. Beautiful, Black and Brown US!

Our images, our culture across the diaspora, and our stories and the things that make us special and beautiful.

Mae Africa by Ananda Nahu

In 2013, in celebration of Black Consciousness Day in Brazil, Ananda Nahu was selected by the United Nations along with two other artists to create works that would raise international awareness against racism and celebrated African History.
Ananda chose the them “African Empires.
Mãe Africa depicts an imaginary mother of Africa giving birth to a new society that is full of wealth, splendor and in harmony with nature and is rich with traditions and culture.